Submission of announcements and notifications to the Danish FSA via the OAM system

Here you can find information about the Danish FSA’s reporting portal for company announcements and other capital market notifications, in everyday usage called the OAM (which stands for ‘Officially Appointed Mechanism’). This page will be updated on a continuous basis.

You can access the Danish FSA's OAM system here. You can easily switch between Danish and English language in the top right corner of the website.

The new OAM will launch on 1 December 2021 and will replace the old OASM, which since 2007 has been the Danish FSA’s system for company announcements and other capital market notifications. All announcements and notifications in the OASM will be transferred to the new OAM system, and in future all relevant announcements and notifications to the Danish FSA must be submitted through the OAM.

PLEASE NOTE: Before you can submit the first notification in the OAM, you should be aware of a couple of things, please see the section “What is new in OAM” below!

Via the OAM system, you may submit the company announcements and notifications, which you are required to report to the Danish FSA according to EU regulations or Danish national law. In the OAM you can submit notifications as an issuer of securities, a major shareholder, a manager or related party, or as a short seller. Announcements from major shareholders and managers will not be published in the database after notification and are only available to Danish FSA staff. Company announcements from issuers, however, as well as certain notifications from short sellers, will automatically be made public in the database.

Guides to the OAM system

Information on reporting obligations and the different types of announcements and notifications that are to be submitted to the Danish FSA

Issuers of securities

Short selling

Major shareholders

Other information

What is new in the OAM

Important information when submitting the first announcements or notifications in the OAM:

  • Updating of master data: When logging in to the new OAM for the first time, you will be asked to accept our terms of use as well as put in more master data on your user and/or company profile (typically a physical address, home country and an e-mail address) before you can submit a new filing. This applies if you or your company are to submit new notifications yourselves as well as if others should be able to submit notifications on your or your company’s behalf by means of a power of attorney/submission authorisation. The requirement to update the master data applies to all individual user accounts as well as companies and is due to the fact that the Danish FSA has decided that more information about the users and companies registered in the system is needed in order to ensure better overall data quality in the OAM system. This means that no announcements and notifications can be submitted on behalf of any users or companies without their master data having been updated!
  • Unique ID numbers: One of the major differences between OASM and OAM is that national personal IDs (in Denmark: CPR numbers) are phased out as identification of personal users in favour of a unique ID number only used in the OAM system. The purpose of the new ID numbers is, among other things, to minimise the use of personally sensitive information in the system. To ensure consistency in the system, companies will be granted a unique ID as well. All existing and new users and companies will automatically be granted a new unique ID in the system and do not have to do anything in this respect. All users will be able to see their new ID number and their company’s ID number when logged into the new OAM system. The new unique ID numbers will e.g. be used when assigning reporting parties, that is granting powers of attorney/submisssion authorisations in the system. The unique ID will also function as “username” if you are used to logging in with username and password (mainly foreign users and companies, which do not have so-called Danish “NemIDs”). If you are used to logging in with personal NemID or NemID employee signature, there will be no changes in the way you are logging in to the new system
  • Access for (foreign) users with user name and password: If you are used to logging in with username and password, you must click “Login” on the new OAM website and choose the “Forgotten password?” function. Here you must enter the e-mail address you have stated on your old user account in the OASM, and then you will automatically receive an e-mail with your new unique ID (and thus your new username) and a link to reset your password to the new OAM.

    Please note: Most users in the old OASM had one e-mail address on their account, which was used both as username for login and for receiving receipts for submitted notifications, etc. Some users in the OASM, however, have a separate login e-mail used only as username, which is different from their user’s contact e-mail to which receipts for submitted notifications are sent. You will have to use your contact e-mail in the above procedure! If you are in any doubt as to whether your old user account have separate login and contact e-mail addresses, the e-mail you use as username today for logging in to the OASM will most likely also be your contact e-mail.

  • Technical power of attorney and authorised lawyers’ rights: In the OAM you cannot submit announcements and notifications on behalf of other users or companies without a technical power of attorney, that is a power of attorney/submission authorisation created in the OAM system. As a new feature, this applies also to the users associated with authorised Danish law firms, which in most cases had been granted special lawyer rights in the old OASM system. If any user or company is to submit notifications on behalf of another user or company, or if another user or company is to submit notifications on your or your company’s behalf, you will have to ensure, before you can submit the notification, that you are both registered in the OAM system with all mandatory master data and that a technical power of attorney between you has been granted. As an exception, users are still able to submit notifications regarding managers’ or related parties’ transactions on behalf of the manager or related party in question without a technical power of attorney/submission authorisation in the OAM. This was also the case in the old OASM system.
  • E-mail subscriptions: If you have an active e-mail subscription to notify you when any new announcements and notifications, or new announcements notifications matching certain search criteria, are published in the OASM, you will have to create a new subscription in the new OAM after 1 December, as all existing subscriptions are cancelled with the transition to the new system. This applies to all, whether you have a registered user in the system or not.

The new OAM will look very similar to the old OASM in layout and structure, but it has been through a design overall with the intention of making the system more user-friendly and intuitive with a more modern user interface. Moreover, the security in the system has been strengthened. For each input field in the reporting flows or for each search field in the search mechanism there will be help texts guiding the users through their notifications and other activities. It is also possible to seemingly change between a Danish and English version of the website at the top right corner of the page.

Furthermore, the search function has been optimised to be more stable with the response times improved. However, there are some changes in respect of the way you make searches, which are described in more detail here.

You can still subscribe to specific searches (see the paragraph about e-mail subscriptions above), but the system will no longer support the possibility of receiving RSS-feeds.

If you experience any problems with submitting company announcements or other notifications, please contact the Danish FSA on If your problems are of a more technical nature, please enclose screen prints with a description of how and when the problems arise. If your problems relate specifically to short selling, you may advantageously contact us on

Last updated 02-06-2022