Warning against fraudulent use of the name of Capital Four Invest by ‘clone firm’

Published 13-12-2024

The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) warns the public against the fraudulent use of the name Capital Four Invest by clone firm.

It has come to the attention of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) that one or more individuals have offered investment in a fund to consumers while using a name that may be confused with the name of the fund Capital Four Invest that is managed by the Danish alternative investment fund manager Capital Four AIFM A/S.

The individuals have contacted consumers via capitalfourinvest-intl.com. The individuals have possibly used similar domain names and related e-mail addresses. The communication is in French.

The individuals are not authorized by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR) or the Financial Markets Authority of France (AMF), nor by the Danish FSA, and it has the appearance of a so-called clone firm that makes fraudulent use of the name of a well-established firm.

The Danish firm Capital Four AIFM A/S, who is authorised by the FSA, and the fund Capital Four Invest have no link with capitalfourinvest-intl.com.

The Danish FSA strongly advice against responding to any offer of financial instruments or services made by these individuals and against transferring money to any account number these individuals might mention. Also, the Danish FSA recommends that investors do not communicate with these individuals.

The Danish FSA's business register contains information on which companies are authorized to offer financial services in Denmark. The Danish FSA's website also contains information on identifying fraud companies and how to avoid them, under Avoid abuse.

Last updated 13-12-2024