Application for authorisation for non-EU managers to market alternative investment funds established in an EU country in Denmark

Alternative investment fund managers from a non-EU country intending to market an alternative investment fund established in an EU country to professional investors in Denmark must apply for a license with the Danish FSA.

Alternative investment fund managers from a non-EU country can apply for authorisation to market alternative investment funds established in an EU country to professional investors in Denmark according to the Section 130 of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers etc. Act and the Executive Order nr. 799 of 26 June 2014.

The Danish FSA has prepared a standard application form to be used in connection with non-EU managers marketing of an EU alternative investment fund in Denmark.

The application may be sent to


Alternative investment fund managers who market alternative investment funds in Denmark are subject to the fee in accordance with Chapter 22 of the Danish Financial Business Act.

A fund manager must pay the following:

  • An annual base fee of DKK 2.000 in 2004 prices for each alternative investment fund
  • An annual base fee of DKK 2.000 in 2004 prices for each compartment/sub-fund that is marketed in Denmark

The fees are adjusted on a yearly basis. For more information regarding the fees and current fee levels please refer to: